#JustStart Your Goals

Hurmat Zahrah
2 min readApr 2, 2021

In my #JustStart Your Goals project i have worked on improving my English speaking skills goal. While giving interviews for job in multiple organizations I realized that good English speaking skills are necessary for leaving a good impact on interviewer. That is why I have made it my goal to excel in this skill.

To achieve this goal I started to pay more attention to the subtitles while watching English movies. I have started to read novel so that I can enhance my vocabulary. I am currently reading another novel named ENTANGLED.

I have decided to learn new words on daily basis that would help me to enhance my vocabulary. I have started to talk to people in English and I use it in my daily conversation with my family.

I won’t say that I have accomplished my goal because I am still working on it . Nothing is easy to get. While hitting my target I myself have faced and still facing a lot of difficulties. Like while talking to someone I get stuck. It is hard to remember new words and then use them in your conversation. So many things still need to be done and need to be corrected and I am working on it

I am reading new books, I am learning new phrases. I stand in front of mirror and talk to myself in English. I hope I will be able to hit my target .

